

EBMgt Course V v3

Professional Development: Online Course

Here you can find information about CEBMa's certified online course on Evidence-Based Management. This course is currently being used by over 50 universities worldwide.

Upon successful completion of all the modules, students will receive an official Certificate of Completion from CEBMa/Carnegie Mellon University.

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Recommended reading for Students & Practitioners

Here you can find articles, videos, etc. on topics relevant to evidence-based management.

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Book CEBMa V


Here you can find an overview of books we recommend to anyone who wants to learn more about evidence-based management and related topics, including the official CEBMa book that provides you with the knowledge and practical skills to improve the quality and outcome of your decision-making.

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Evidence Based Management GPT

CEBMa's GPT provides answers to all your questions about evidence-based management & serves as a tutor for CEBMa's certified EBM course.

Note: this GPT is designed for questions related to evidence-based management only - for research findings on management topics go to

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find frequently asked questions about evidence-based management. TIP: you can also use CEBMa's Evidence-Based Management GPT (see above)

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EBM Tools

Learn more about the variety of tools CEBMa offers, such as methodological search filters, the CAT Manager App, three different kinds of calculators and more.

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Guidelines (REAs and CATs)

Here you can find CEBMa's guidelines on how to conduct an REA or CAT.

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REA cover Psyc Safety

Rapid Reviews of Relevant Management Topics

CEBMa supports organisations by conducting a Rapid Evidence Assessment, a specific method that aims to identify ‘the best available scientific evidence’ on a specific topic. Here you can find the (35+) REAs we have conducted so far. Note: Due to copyright restrictions the reviews are available for professional members and teachers only.

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Articles blck

Academic Articles

Here you find an overview of academic papers on Evidence-Based Management and related topics

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Campbell Systematic Review Library

CEBMa helped inaugurate and supports the Campbell Business & Management Coordinating Group. Its Editorial Board, Editors and many Board Members are CEBMa Fellows. On this website you can search for Systematic Reviews conducted by the Campbell Collaboration on a wide range of topics, including management.

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EBM teachers network block

CEBMa’s EBM Teachers Network

CEBMa’s EBM Teachers Network is the place for everyone who teaches (elements of) evidence-based management. Here we share ideas about learning, insights on best practices, and teaching materials that you can use in your class.

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Newsletter V


The CEBMa newsletter is a publication that offers friends and members of CEBMa a closer look at our activities and more in-depth information on the subject of evidence-based management. Here you can sign up for our newsletter and find all our previous newsletters.

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The Center for Evidence-Based Management (CEBMa) is a non-for profit foundation. If you like our work, you can make a donation here. Each donation will be placed in the Paul Goodman Fund that offers CEBMa grants for low-income students.

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